
Thank you for your support of BkMk Press

Your donation will further our mission to discover, publish, and promote great new writing. Contributions here go through the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s secure website and are tax deductible.

Make a note in the comments section, if you prefer your gift to remain anonymous.

Our operation also generates income from sales and grants, but backing from individual supporters not only helps us directly, it strengthens our ability to raise and match funds from other sources.

You can also send a check to: 
BkMk Press
5101 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110

Your donation will make a difference in our future literary endeavors, which include public readings and interviews, writing conferences, and occasional special projects and publications. Your generosity is appreciated.

We're grateful for the support we've received from the
following organizations and individuals:

Missouri Arts Council, a state agency

Richard J. Stern Foundation for the Arts

Stanley H. Durwood Foundation

William T. Kemper Foundation

Miller-Mellor Foundation

Neptune Foundation

Patricia Cleary Miller

Whitney and Mariella Kerr

Margot Patterson

Carla Klausner

Jaimee Wriston Colbert

Alan Proctor

James Hugo Rifenbark

Beverly Burch

Lorraine M. López